Searching for similar objects (in terms of near and nearest neighbors) of a given query object from a large set is an essential task in many applications. Recent years have seen g...
Like Gao, Min Wang, Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Sriram Pad...
Peer-to-peer Data Networks (PDNs) are large-scale, selforganizing, distributed query processing systems. Familiar examples of PDN are peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, which su...
Location-based services (LBS) constitute an emerging application domain involving spatio-temporal databases. In this paper, i) we propose a classification of LBS, depending on whet...
Kostas Gratsias, Elias Frentzos, Vasilis Delis, Ya...
—A nearest neighbor query is an important notion in spatial databases and moving object databases. In the emerging application fields of moving object technologies, such as mobi...
In this paper, we formalize the novel concept of Constrained Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (CRkNN) search on mobile objects (clients) performed at a central server. The CRkNN query c...
In high-dimensional and complex metric spaces, determining the nearest neighbor (NN) of a query object ? can be a very expensive task, because of the poor partitioning operated by...
Abstract-- In sensor environments and moving robot applications, the position of an object is often known imprecisely because of measurement error and/or movement of the object. In...
In this paper, we present a large-scale object retrieval system. The user supplies a query object by selecting a region of a query image, and the system returns a ranked list of i...
James Philbin, Ondrej Chum, Michael Isard, Josef S...