We present a novel approach to query reformulation which combines syntactic and semantic information by means of generalized Levenshtein distance algorithms where the substitution...
Amac Herdagdelen, Massimiliano Ciaramita, Daniel M...
Currently, there are two main basic approaches to data integration: Global-as-View (GaV) and Local-as-View (LaV). However, both GaV and LaV have their limitations. In a GaV approa...
: Whenever transformation of data is used to bridge the gap of different data formats, and a query is given in the destination format, query reformulation can speed up the transfor...
We state and solve the query reformulation problem for XML publishing in a general setting that allows mixed (XML and relational) storage for the proprietary data and exploits redu...
Abstract. Query reformulation techniques based on semantic knowledge have been used in two ways in database management systems, namely for query optimization and for data integrati...
Query reformulation has been suggested as an effective way to improve retrieval efficiency in text information retrieval and one of the well-known techniques for query reformulati...
Data Grids provide transparent access to heterogeneous and autonomous data resources. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation of a data sharing system that (i) is ...
Users frequently modify a previous search query in hope of retrieving better results. These modifications are called query reformulations or query refinements. Existing research h...
Web archives play an important role in preserving our cultural heritage for future generations. When searching them, a serious problem arises from the fact that terminology evolve...
Klaus Berberich, Srikanta J. Bedathur, Mauro Sozio...