Suppose we sequentially throw m balls into n bins. It is a natural question to ask for the maximum number of balls in any bin. In this paper we shall derive sharp upper and lower b...
There has been a significant amount of research lately on solving the edge disjoint path and related problems on expander graphs. We review the random walk approach of Broder, Fri...
Abstract. Redundancy has been utilized to achieve fault tolerant computation and to achieve reliable communication in networks of processors. These techniques can only be extended ...
abstract for submission to Random '98 not for distribution Andrei Z. Broder Moses Charikar Michael Mitzenmacher Min-wise independence is a recently introduced notion of limit...
Andrei Z. Broder, Moses Charikar, Michael Mitzenma...
We are given a sequence of items that can be packed into m unit size bins. In the classical bin packing problem we x the size of the bins and try to pack the items in the minimum ...