We study Euclidean embeddings of Euclidean metrics and present the following four results: (1) an O(log3 n √ log log n) approximation for minimum bandwidth in conjunction with a ...
We discuss two approximation approaches, the primal-dual schema and the local-ratio technique. We present two relatively simple frameworks, one for each approach, which extend know...
d Abstract) Noga Alon1, , Michael Capalbo2, , Yoshiharu Kohayakawa3, , Vojtˇech R¨odl4,† , Andrzej Ruci´nski5,‡ , and Endre Szemer´edi6,§ 1 Department of Mathematics, Raym...
Noga Alon, Michael R. Capalbo, Yoshiharu Kohayakaw...
We study integrated prefetching and caching in single and parallel disk systems. A recent approach used linear programming to solve the problem. We show that integrated prefetching...