A d-regular graph has largest or first (adjacency matrix) eigenvalue 1 = d. Consider for an even d 4, a random d-regular graph model formed from d/2 uniform, independent permutat...
The main aim of this short paper is to answer the following question. Given a fixed graph H, for which values of the degree d does a random d-regular graph on n vertices contain ...
Given any integer d ≥ 3, let k be the smallest integer such that d < 2k log k. We prove that with high probability the chromatic number of a random d-regular graph is k, k + 1...
Abstract. We present algorithmic lower bounds on the size of the largest independent sets of vertices in a random d-regular graph. Our bounds hold with probability approaching one ...
Random regular graphs play a central role in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. In this paper, we analyze a simple algorithm introduced by Steger and Wormald [10] and...