Abstract. Recently Schuler [17] presented a randomized algorithm that solves SAT in expected time at most 2n(1−1/ log2(2m)) up to a polynomial factor, where n and m are, respecti...
Motivation: Motif detection for DNA sequences has many important applications in biological studies, e.g., locating binding sites and regulatory signals, and designing genetic prob...
We present a randomized algorithm for finding maximum matchings in planar graphs in time O(nω/2 ), where ω is the exponent of the best known matrix multiplication algorithm. Sin...
Abstract. Motivated by an open problem recently suggested by Goldreich et al., we study truthful implementations of a random binary function supporting compound XOR queries over su...
We give a randomized algorithm for testing satisfiability of Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form with no restriction on clause length. Its running time is at most 2n(1−1...
Abstract. The Parallel Disks Model (PDM) has been proposed to alleviate the I/O bottleneck that arises in the processing of massive data sets. Sorting has been extensively studied ...
We consider the problem of testing the commutativity of a black-box group specified by its k generators. The complexity (in terms of k) of this problem was first considered by Pa...
This paper describes a hybrid approach to solving large-scale constraint satisfaction and optimization problems. It describes a hybrid algorithm for integer linear programming whic...
We study the admission control problem in general networks. Communication requests arrive over time, and the online algorithm accepts or rejects each request while maintaining the...
We introduce a novel invertible transform for two-dimensional data which has the objective of reordering the matrix so it will improve its (lossless) compression at later stages. T...