
14 years 8 days ago
A conceptual model and process for client-driven agile requirements prioritization
Continuous customer-centric requirements reprioritization is essential in successfully performing agile software development. Yet, in the agile RE literature, very little is known ...
Zornitza Racheva, Maya Daneva, Andrea Herrmann, Ro...
14 years 8 days ago
Using Software Metrics in the Evaluation of a Conceptual Component Model
Every interactive system has a functional part and an interactive part. However the software engineering and the human-computer-interaction communities work separately in terms of ...
Eric Ceret, Sophie Dupuy-Chessa, Guillaume Godet-B...
14 years 24 days ago
Adopting Agile Methods: Can Goal-Oriented Social Modeling Help?
The heavy reliance on the human factor in agile methods poses new challenges for organizations intent on adopting them. Improper role assignment, neglected team dependencies, and ...
Hesam Chiniforooshan Esfahani, Jordi Cabot, Eric Y...
14 years 24 days ago
Evaluating cross-organizational ERP requirements engineering practices: a focus group study
This focus group study presents our first validation of practices for engineering the coordination requirements in cross­ organizational Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project...
Maya Daneva, Niv Ahituv
14 years 24 days ago
A Tree-based Approach for Efficiently Mining Approximate Frequent Itemsets
—The strategies for mining frequent itemsets, which is the essential part of discovering association rules, have been widely studied over the last decade. In real-world datasets,...
Jia-Ling Koh, Yi-Lang Tu