
13 years 10 months ago
On Bounded Leg Shortest Paths Problems
Let V be a set of points in a d-dimensional lp-metric space. Let s, t ∈ V and let L be any real number. An L-bounded leg path from s to t is an ordered set of points which conne...
Liam Roditty, Michael Segal
95views more  JDA 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Sigma-local graphs
We introduce and analyze σ-local graphs, based on a definition of locality by Erickson [12]. We present two algorithms to construct such graphs, for any real number σ > 1 an...
Prosenjit Bose, Sébastien Collette, Stefan ...
68views more  JUCS 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Simply Normal Numbers to Different Bases
: Let b 2 be an integer. A real number is called simply normal to base b if in its representation to base b every digit appears with the same asymptotic frequency. We answer the f...
Peter Hertling
14 years 2 months ago
Dynamic algorithms for geometric spanners of small diameter: Randomized solutions
Let S be a set of n points in IRd and let t > 1 be a real number. A t-spanner for S is a directed graph having the points of S as its vertices, such that for any pair p and q o...
Sunil Arya, David M. Mount, Michiel H. M. Smid
56views more  JSYML 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Recursive in A Generic Real
There is a comeager set C contained in the set of 1-generic reals and a first order structure M such that for any real number X, there is an element of C which is recursive in X if...
Juichi Shinoda, Theodore A. Slaman
106views more  DCG 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Perpendicular Dissections of Space
For each pair (Qi, Qj) of reference points and each real number r there is a unique hyperplane h QiQj such that d(P, Qi)2 - d(P, Qj)2 = r for points P in h. Take n reference point...
Thomas Zaslavsky
81views more  RSA 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
On random points in the unit disk
Let n be a positive integer and > 0 a real number. Let Vn be a set of n points in the unit disk selected uniformly and independently at random. Define G(, n) to be the graph w...
Robert B. Ellis, Xingde Jia, Catherine H. Yan
150views more  MST 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Coinduction for Exact Real Number Computation
This paper studies coinductive representations of real numbers by signed digit streams and fast Cauchy sequences. It is shown how the associated coinductive principle can be used ...
Ulrich Berger, Tie Hou
122views more  JUCS 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
On the Subrecursive Computability of Several Famous Constants
: For any class F of total functions in the set N of the natural numbers, we define the notion of F-computable real number. A real number is called Fcomputable if there exist one-...
Dimiter Skordev
150views Communications» more  ITA 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
A note on univoque self-Sturmian numbers
We compare two sets of (infinite) binary sequences whose suffixes satisfy extremal conditions: one occurs when studying iterations of unimodal continuous maps from the unit interva...
Jean-Paul Allouche