Many of today's complex computer applications are being modeled and constructed using the principles inherent to real-time distributed object systems. In response to this dem...
ion and Completeness for Real-Time Maude Peter Csaba ¨Olveczky a,b and Jos´e Meseguer b a Department of Informatics, University of Oslo b Department of Computer Science, Universi...
- In this paper, we are presenting a bionic approach towards real-time systems research. Observing that a cell is both real-time computing and real-time manufacturing system, the w...
Embedded real-time systems must satisfy not only logical functional requirements but also para-functional properties such as timeliness, Quality of Service (QoS) and reliability. W...
Abstract. This paper describes an attempt to combine theorem proving and model-checking to formally verify real-time systems in a discrete time setting. The Timed Automata Modeling...
In this paper, we address the issue of the formal verification of real-time systems in the context of a preemptive scheduling policy. We propose an algorithm which computes the st...
We propose a format of predicate diagrams for the verification of real-time systems. We consider systems that are defined as extended timed graphs, a format that combines timed au...
We extend the approach of model checking parameterized networks of processes by means of network invariants to the setting of real-time systems. We introduce timed transition stru...
We argue that recent hypervisor-vs-microkernel discussions completely miss the point. Fundamentally, the two classes of systems h in common, and provide similar abstractions. We a...
Chip-multiprocessors offer increased processing power at a low cost. However, in order to use them for real-time systems, tasks have to be scheduled efficiently and predictably. I...