Reputation and recommendation systems are fundamental for the formation of community market places. Yet, they are easy targets for attacks which disturb a market's equilibriu...
Nicolai Kuntze, Dominique Maehler, Andreas U. Schm...
Collaboration is vital for the survival of companies in today’s fast moving economy and, therefore, finding and matching partners is an important task. This is true for many dif...
A recommendation system tracks past actions of a group of users to make recommendations toindividualmembersofthe group. The growth ofcomputer-mediatedmarketingandcommerce has led ...
Ravi Kumar, Prabhakar Raghavan, Sridhar Rajagopala...
Locating the expertise necessary to solve difficult problems is a nuanced social and collaborative problem. In organizations, some people assist others in locating expertise by ma...
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), together with the Expectation-Maximization (EM) procedure, can be used to find a low-dimension model that maximizes the loglikelihood of obser...
Sheng Zhang, Weihong Wang, James Ford, Fillia Make...
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have successfully shown efficiencies in many areas such as text categorization. Although recommendation systems share many similarities with text ca...
Recommendation systems are widely used on the Internet to assist customers in finding the products or services that best fit with their individual preferences. While current imple...
Jochen Malinowski, Tobias Keim, Oliver Wendt, Tim ...
Recommendation systems generally produce the results of their output to their users in the form of an ordinal list. In the interest of simplicity, these lists are often obscure, ,...
The need for recommendation systems to ease user navigations has become evident by growth of information on the Web. There exist many approaches of learning for Web usage-based re...
—Planning a complex software modification task imposes a high cognitive burden on developers, who must juggle navigating the software, understanding what they see with respect t...
Reid Holmes, Tristan Ratchford, Martin P. Robillar...