Let S be a set of r red points and b = r +2 blue points in general position in the plane. A line determined by them is said to be balanced if in each open half-plane bounded by th...
We study the following problem: Given a set of red points and a set of blue points on the plane, find two unit disks CR and CB with disjoint interiors such that the number of red ...
Given a set R of red points and a set B of blue points in the plane of total size n, we study the problem of determining all angles for which there exists an L-shape containing al...
Farnaz Sheikhi, Mark de Berg, Ali Mohades, Mansoor...
Given a set B of n blue points in general position, we say that a set of red points R blocks B if in the Delaunay triangulation of B R there is no edge connecting two blue points...
Oswin Aichholzer, Ruy Fabila Monroy, Thomas Hackl,...
By a polygonization of a finite point set S in the plane we understand a simple polygon having S as the set of its vertices. Let B and R be sets of blue and red points, respective...
We consider the following problem. Let n 2, b 1 and q 2 be integers. Let R and B be two disjoint sets of n red points and bn blue points in the plane, respectively, such that no...
Let P be a simple polygon with m vertices, k of which are reflex, and which contains r red points and b blue points in its interior. Let n = m + r + b. A ham-sandwich geodesic is ...
Prosenjit Bose, Erik D. Demaine, Ferran Hurtado, J...