: This paper introduces the concept of Ontology based Geo-Object Catalog (OGOC). An OGOC acts as a focal point for a federation of independent geoobject sources, providing consolid...
Daniela F. Brauner, Marco A. Casanova, Carlos Jos&...
Ontologies are viewed as increasingly important tools for structuring domains of intrests. In this paper we propose a reference ontology of business models using concepts from thre...
Birger Andersson, Maria Bergholtz, Ananda Edirisur...
In this paper we present a framework for the evaluation and (re)design of modeling languages. We focus here on the evaluation of the suitability of a language to model a set or rea...
—In this paper, we present a new approach for service discovery combining semantic web and peer-to-peer techniques. A reference ontology is used to describe and discover services...