
222views more  TIP 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Local Region Descriptors for Active Contours Evolution
Edge-based and region-based active contours are frequently used in image segmentation. While edges characterize small neighborhoods of pixels, region descriptors characterize entir...
Cristina Darolti, Alfred Mertins, Christoph Bodens...
429views more  CVIU 2010»
14 years 2 months ago
Cascade of descriptors to detect and track objects across any network of cameras
Most multi-camera systems assume a well structured environment to detect and track objects across cameras. Cameras need to be fixed and calibrated, or only objects within a traini...
Alexandre Alahi, Pierre Vandergheynst, Michel Bier...
14 years 3 months ago
Eurecom at TRECVid 2007: Extraction of High-level Features
In this paper we describe our experiments for the high level features extraction task of TRECVid 2007. Our approach is different than previous submissions in that we have impleme...
Rachid Benmokhtar, Eric Galmar, Benoit Huet
14 years 6 months ago
Video Google: Efficient Visual Search of Videos
We describe an approach to object retrieval which searches for and localizes all the occurrences of an object in a video, given a query image of the object. The object is represent...
Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman