
95views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
XcisClique: analysis of regulatory bicliques
Background: Modeling of cis-elements or regulatory motifs in promoter (upstream) regions of genes is a challenging computational problem. In this work, set of regulatory motifs si...
Amrita Pati, Cecilia Vasquez-Robinet, Lenwood S. H...
144views more  BMCBI 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
More robust detection of motifs in coexpressed genes by using phylogenetic information
Background: Several motif detection algorithms have been developed to discover overrepresented motifs in sets of coexpressed genes. However, in a noisy gene list, the number of ge...
Pieter Monsieurs, Gert Thijs, Abeer A. Fadda, Sigr...
106views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
A computational evaluation of over-representation of regulatory motifs in the promoter regions of differentially expressed genes
Background: Observed co-expression of a group of genes is frequently attributed to co-regulation by shared transcription factors. This assumption has led to the hypothesis that pr...
Guofeng Meng, Axel Mosig, Martin Vingron
14 years 6 months ago
MISAE: A New Approach for Regulatory Motif Extraction
The recognition of regulatory motifs of co-regulated genes is essential for understanding the regulatory mechanisms. However, the automatic extraction of regulatory motifs from a ...
Zhaohui Sun, Jingyi Yang, Jitender S. Deogun
15 years 3 months ago
Whole-genome comparative annotation and regulatory motif discovery in multiple yeast species
In [13] we reported the genome sequences of S. paradoxus, S. mikatae and S. bayanus and compared these three yeast species to their close relative, S. cerevisiae. Genome-wide comp...
Manolis Kamvysselis, Nick Patterson, Bruce Birren,...