This chapter discusses decision making under uncertainty. More specifically, it offers an overview of efficient Bayesian and distribution-free algorithms for making near-optimal se...
Abstract: Several approximate policy iteration schemes without value functions, which focus on policy representation using classifiers and address policy learning as a supervis...
Several researchers have recently investigated the connection between reinforcement learning and classification. We are motivated by proposals of approximate policy iteration schem...
There has been a lot of recent work on Bayesian methods for reinforcement learning exhibiting near-optimal online performance. The main obstacle facing such methods is that in most...
I am a Ph.D. student working with Chuck Anderson studying reinforcement learning. I also enjoy high dimensional data issues, mixture models, neural networks, and simple, yet effec...
Consider the task of exploring the Web in order to find pages of a particular kind or on a particular topic. This task arises in the construction of search engines and Web knowled...
We explore combining reinforcement learning with a hand-crafted local controller in a manner suggested by the chaotic control algorithm of Vincent, Schmitt and Vincent (1994). A c...
lative Novelty to Identify Useful Temporal Abstractions in Reinforcement Learning ?Ozg?ur S?im?sek Andrew G. Barto Department of Computer Scie...
Reinforcement learning deals with learning optimal or near optimal policies while interacting with the environment. Application domains with many continuous variables are difficul...