Ad-hoc Grids are highly heterogeneous and dynamic networks, one of the main challenges of resource allocation in such environments is to find mechanisms which do not rely on the ...
— In this paper, we investigate resource allocation for a multi-user OFDMA cooperative system. Aiming at minimizing the total transmission power under target rate constraints for...
—We consider connection-level models of resource allocation in the Internet, where files arrive into the network according to a Poisson process and the size of each file is exp...
Abstract. This paper describes a new and novel scheme for job admission and resource allocation employed by the SODA scheduler in System S. Capable of processing enormous quantitie...
Joel L. Wolf, Nikhil Bansal, Kirsten Hildrum, Suja...
This keynote paper: (1) presents the 21st century vision of computing and identifies various IT paradigms promising to deliver computing as a utility; (2) defines the architecture ...
— There are many grid-based applications where a timely response to an important event is needed. Often such response can require a significant computation and possibly communic...
—The two-way relay channel (TWRC) describes the communication between two terminals sharing a common relay. In this work we compare different protocols for the TWRC with a half-d...
—The provision of very high data rates in a ubiquitous and fair manner throughout the service area is a great challenge for 4G and beyond-4G wireless networks. Towards that end, ...
Reconfigurable high-performance computing systems (RHPC) have been attracting more and more attention over the past few years. RHPC systems are a promising solution for accelerati...
Fairness is an important performance criterion in all resource allocation schemes, including those in distributed computer systems. However, it is often specified only qualitativel...