We describe the architecture of a hypertext resource discovery system using a relational database. Such a system can answer questions that combine page contents, metadata, and hyp...
Soumen Chakrabarti, Martin van den Berg, Byron Dom
In this paper, we address the problem of resource discovery in a grid based multimedia environment, where the resources providers, i.e. servers, are intermittently available. Give...
Consider a dynamic, large-scale communication infrastructure (e.g., the Internet) where nodes (e.g., in a peer to peer system) can communicate only with nodes whose id (e.g., IP a...
In this paper we propose a novel architecture, CARD, for resource discovery in large scale MANets that may scale up to thousands of nodes. Our mechanism is suitable for resource d...
Ahmed Helmy, Saurabh Garg, Priyatham Pamu, Nitin N...
The terms pervasive and ubiquitous computing are used to describe a smart space populated by hundreds of intelligent devices that are embedded in their surroundings. Characteristi...
In this paper we examine resource discovery in inter-vehicle ad-hoc networks in an urban area, where moving vehicles communicate with each other via short-range wireless transmiss...
This paper studies the problem of resource discovery in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. We propose simple policies that make the discovery of resources resilient to coord...
As sensor networks mature the current generation of sensor networks that are application-specific and exposed only to a limited set of users will give way to heterogeneous sensor ...
Sameer Tilak, Kenneth Chiu, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh, ...
A resource directory is a critical component of a Grid architecture. P2P computing paradigm could address some of the scalability issues that make distributed resource discovery s...
Data dissemination in sensor networks requires four components: resource discovery, route establishment, packet forwarding, and route maintenance. Resource discovery can be the mos...