Abstract. Programming with rewrite rules and strategies has been already used for describing several computational logics. This paper describes the way the Needham-Schroeder Public...
Relational OLAP tools and other database applications generate sequences of SQL statements that are sent to the database server as result of a single information request issued by...
The chemical reaction metaphor describes computation in terms of a chemical solution in which molecules interact freely according to reaction rules. Chemical solutions are represen...
We present constructive arithmetic in Deduction modulo with rewrite rules only. In natural deduction and in sequent calculus, the cut elimination theorem and the analysis of the st...
Abstract In order to extend the modeling capabilities of rewriting systems, it is rather natural to consider that the firing of rules can be subject to some probabilistic laws. Co...
We present a novel compiled approach to Normalization by Evaluation (NBE) for ML-like languages. It supports efficient normalization of open λ-terms w.r.t. β-reduction and rewrit...
We address the problem of cyclic termgraph rewriting. We propose a new framework where rewrite rules are tuples of the form (L, R, τ, σ) such that L and R are termgraphs represen...
Abstract. An approach based on term rewriting techniques for the automated termination analysis of imperative programs operating on integers is presented. An imperative program is ...