
13 years 10 months ago
Efficient techniques for monitoring missing RFID tags
Abstract--As RFID tags become more widespread, new approaches for managing larger numbers of RFID tags will be needed. In this paper, we consider the problem of how to accurately a...
Chiu Chiang Tan, Bo Sheng, Qun Li
132views Education» more  TITS 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Performance Evaluation of UHF RFID Technologies for Real-Time Passenger Recognition in Intelligent Public Transportation Systems
Abstract--Automated passenger tracking in public transportation systems can be used to estimate the short-term demand and, thereby, to optimize the fleet schedule in real time. It ...
Christian Oberli, Miguel Torres-Torriti, Dan Landa...
14 years 1 months ago
Identifying the missing tags in a large RFID system
Comparing with the classical barcode system, RFID extends the operational distance from inches to a number of feet (passive RFID tags) or even hundreds of feet (active RFID tags)....
Tao Li, Shigang Chen, Yibei Ling
14 years 1 months ago
BIT - A framework and architecture for providing digital services for physical products
Abstract--Mobile phones are increasingly able to read autoid labels, such as barcodes or RFID tags. As virtually all consumer products sold today are equipped with such a label, th...
Christof Roduner, Marc Langheinrich
14 years 1 months ago
Efficient Tag Identification in Mobile RFID Systems
In this paper we consider how to efficiently identify tags on the moving conveyor. Considering conditions like the path loss and multi-path effect in realistic settings, we first p...
Lei Xie, Bo Sheng, Chiu Chiang Tan, Hao Han, Qun L...
154views more  JUCS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
An Ambient Assisted Living Platform Integrating RFID Data-on-Tag Care Annotations and Twitter
: Although RFID is mainly used to identify objects whose data can then be accessed over the network, passive HF RFID tags do have significant data storage capacity (up to 4K), whic...
Diego López-de-Ipiña, Ignacio D&iacu...
115views more  IJLT 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Computer supported ubiquitous learning environment for vocabulary learning
: Ubiquitous computing could help the organisation and the mediation of social interactions wherever and whenever these situations might occur. Using those technologies enables the...
Hiroaki Ogata, Chengjiu Yin, Moushir M. El-Bishout...
170views more  TWC 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Secure and Serverless RFID Authentication and Search Protocols
With the increased popularity of RFID applications, different authentication schemes have been proposed to provide security and privacy protection for users. Most recent RFID proto...
Chiu Chiang Tan, Bo Sheng, Qun Li
143views more  JCM 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
A Simple Privacy Protecting Scheme Enabling Delegation and Ownership Transfer for RFID Tags
— RFID (Radio frequency identification) technology raises many privacy concerns among which the potential tracking of an RFID tag bearer and the eventuality of an illegitimate r...
Sepideh Fouladgar, Hossam Afifi
141views Communications» more  SCN 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Improved Privacy of the Tree-Based Hash Protocols Using Physically Unclonable Function
In 2004, Molnar and Wagner introduced a very appealing scheme dedicated to the identification of RFID tags. Their protocol relies on a binary tree of secrets which are shared
Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Thomas Icar...