While advances have been made in structuring, indexing and retrieval of multimedia documents, we propose to study the unexplored problematics of information retrieval on heterogen...
Newspapers generally attempt to present the news objectively. But textual affect analysis shows that many words carry positive or negative emotional charge. In this article, we sh...
Gregory Grefenstette, Yan Qu, James G. Shanahan, D...
Personalized Web browsing and search hope to provide Web information that matches a user's personal interests and thus provide more effective and efficient information access...
We introduce a new method for automatically constructing concept hierarchies where the concept nodes follow a generalization / specialization relation. Starting from a set of conc...
The combination of evidence for Information Retrieval has been studied extensively in order to increase effectiveness. In this paper, we study the selective application of differe...
In this paper we introduce a machine learning approach for automatic text segmentation. Our text segmenter clusters text-segments containing similar concepts. It first discovers th...
This paper introduces a new approach to provide users with solutions to explore a domain via an information space. A key point in our approach is that information searching and ex...