: Motion estimation from image sequences is a complex problem which requires high computing resources and is highly affected by changes in the illumination conditions in most of th...
We study the evolution of robustness in digital organisms adapting to a high mutation rate. As genomes adjust to the harsh mutational environment, the mean effect of single mutatio...
We study the robustness of complete languages in PSPACE and prove that they are robust against P-selective sparse sets. Earlier similar results are known for EXPcomplete sets [3] ...
Bio-terror events are accompanied by severe uncertainty: great disparity between the best available data and models, and the actual course of events. We model this uncertainty with...
Component based development allows to build software upon existing components and promises to improve software reuse and reduce costs. To gain reliability of a component based sys...
Bin Lei, Zhiming Liu, Charles Morisset, Xuandong L...
We derive generalization bounds for learning algorithms based on their robustness: the property that if a testing sample is "similar" to a training sample, then the test...
Multiobjective methods are ideal for evolving a set of portfolio optimisation solutions that span a range from highreturn/high-risk to low-return/low-risk, and an investor can cho...
We define the robustness of a level set homology class of a function f : X R as the magnitude of a perturbation necessary to kill the class. Casting this notion into a group theor...
Paul Bendich, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Dmitriy Morozo...
Robustness has become a popular issue in engineering. For products, Taguchi suggests to adjust the design so that product performance is insensitive to the effects of uncontrolled...