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Besides energy constraint, wireless sensor networks should also be able to provide bounded communication delay when they are used to support real-time applications. In this paper,...
Abstract--The static nature of mesh nodes imposes requirements for designing routing metrics that support high throughput and low packet delay. This paper considers the problem of ...
The ARPANBT routing metric wasrevised in July 1987,resulting in substantial performance improvements, especially in terms of user delay and effective network capacity. These revis...
Ad-hoc wireless networks with multi-rate radios (such as 802.11a, b, g) require a new class of MAC/PHY aware metrics that take into account factors such as physical-layer link spe...
—This paper presents a resource-aware and link quality based (RLQ) routing metric to address energy limitations, link quality variations, and node heterogeneities in wireless sen...
Vehbi C. Gungor, Chellury Sastry, Zhen Song, Ryan ...
—We present a new routing metric for multi-rate multi-radio mesh networks, which takes into account both contention for the shared wireless channel and rate diversity in multi-ra...
— The design of a routing protocol must be based on the characteristics of its target networks. The diversity of wireless networks motivates the design of different routing metri...