— The current internet infrastructure is facing a number of limitations that is not suitable to meet the growing number of services and users. In particular, one aspect that requ...
Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Dmitri Botvich, Julien...
Current data collection protocols for wireless sensor networks are mostly based on quasi-static minimum-cost routing trees. We consider an alternative, highly-agile approach calle...
Scott Moeller, Avinash Sridharan, Bhaskar Krishnam...
"An ASIC (pronounced “a-sick”; bold typeface defines a new term) is an application-specific integrated circuit —at least that is what the acronym stands for. Before we a...
Location discovery is a fundamental problem in wireless ad hoc networks. Most of the ad hoc routing protocols use some form of flooding to discover the location and route of a mobi...
Vamsi K. Parachuri, Arjan Durresi, Durga S. Dash, ...