Multicore platforms, which include several processing cores on a single chip, are being widely touted as a solution to heat and energy problems that are impediments to single-core...
Activity recognition is a hot topic in context-aware computing. In activity recognition, machine learning techniques have been widely applied to learn the activity models from lab...
Nominally, one can expect any user of modern technology to carry a handheld device such an iPAQ or cellphone and utilize resources in the environment to remain connected and enjoy...
RFID middleware systems collect and filter RFID streaming data gathered continuously by numerous readers to process requests from applications. These requests are called continuou...
We propose Virtual Full Replication by Adaptive segmentation (ViFuR-A), and evaluate its ability to maintain scalability in a replicated real-time database. With full replication ...
Hospital work is characterized by the need to manage multiple activities simultaneously, constant local mobility, frequently interruptions, and intense collaboration and communica...
Le Xuan Hung, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee, Heejo ...
A task that suspends itself to wait for an I/O completion or to wait for an event from another node in distributed environments is called an I/O blocking task. In conventional har...
Given the major advantages of productivity and safety, the use of garbage collection (GC) in real-time systems has gained increasing attention. Guaranteeing garbage collection act...
In this paper we explore the possibility of using commodity graphics processing units (GPUs) to speedup standard schedulability analysis algorithms. Our long-term goal is to explo...