In this paper we define and address the problem of safe exploration in the context of reinforcement learning. Our notion of safety is concerned with states or transitions that can ...
Parking garages that stow and retrieve cars automatically are becoming viable solutions for parking shortages. However, these are complex systems and a number of severe incidents i...
The influence of architecture in assurance of system safety is being increasingly recognised in mission-critical software applications. Nevertheless, most architectural strategies...
A crucial aspect of safety case management is the ongoing maintenance of the safety argument through life. Throughout the operational life of any system, the corresponding safety ...
We show how to determine statically whether it is safe for untrusted machine code to be loaded into a trusted host system. Our safety-checking technique operates directly on the u...
Safety is increasingly important for software based, critical systems. Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a safety technique from engineering, developed for analyzing and assessing syste...
The distinction between safety and liveness properties is due to Lamport who gave the following informal characterization. Safety properties assert that nothing bad ever happens w...
Abstract. In this paper we present algorithms and tools for fast and efficient reachability analysis, applicable to continuous and hybrid systems. Most of the work on reachability ...
As software comes under increasing scrutiny for its lack of safety and reliability, numerous static and partially dynamic tools (including model checking) have been proposed for v...
Robotic systems are developed to execute tasks with several types of risks associated. The possible damages that can affect both the working environment and the self-system lead u...