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Mesh network is vulnerable to privacy attacks because of the open medium property of wireless channel, the fixed topology, and the limited network size. Traditional anonymous rou...
Intrusion or misbehaviour detection systems are an important and widely accepted security tool in computer and wireless sensor networks. Their aim is to detect misbehaving or faul...
Key predistribution in wireless sensor networks refers to the problem of distributing secret keys among sensors prior to deployment. Solutions appeared in the literature can be cl...
Katerina Simonova, Alan C. H. Ling, Xiaoyang Sean ...
In a large sensor network, in-network data aggregation, i.e., combining partial results at intermediate nodes during message routing, significantly reduces the amount of communic...
Node misbehavior in wireless ad hoc networks leads to sudden unpredictable changes in network topology, resulting in fluctuation of traffic load and capacity for already existin...
Svetlana Radosavac, John S. Baras, George V. Moust...
We investigate the design space of sensor network broadcast authentication. We show that prior approaches can be organized based on a taxonomy of seven fundamental proprieties, su...
This paper focuses on defending against compromised nodes’ dropping of legitimate reports and investigates the misbehavior of a maliciously packet-dropping node in sensor networ...
Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks can cause serious problems in wireless networks due to its limited network/host resources. Attacker traceback is a promi...
In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), a source node must rely on intermediate nodes to forward its packets along multihop routes to the destination node. Due to the lack of infrastr...
Charikleia Zouridaki, Brian L. Mark, Marek Hejmo, ...