
107views more  COMBINATORICS 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
The Linear Complexity of a Graph
The linear complexity of a matrix is a measure of the number of additions, subtractions, and scalar multiplications required to multiply that matrix and an arbitrary vector. In th...
David L. Neel, Michael E. Orrison
97views more  ALGORITHMICA 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Scalar Multiplication on Koblitz Curves Using the Frobenius Endomorphism and Its Combination with Point Halving: Extensions and
Abstract. In this paper we prove the optimality and other properties of the -adic nonadjacent form: this expansion has been introduced in order to efficiently compute scalar multip...
Roberto Maria Avanzi, Clemens Heuberger, Helmut Pr...
15 years 3 months ago
Double-Base Number System for Multi-scalar Multiplications
Abstract. The Joint Sparse Form is currently the standard representation system to perform multi-scalar multiplications of the form [n]P + m[Q]. We introduce the concept of Joint D...
Christophe Doche, David R. Kohel, Francesco Sica