In this paper we propose a new approach to compute the scale space of any omnidirectional image acquired with a central catadioptric system. When these cameras are central they ar...
A novel nonlinear scale space framework is proposed for the purpose of multiscale image representation. The scale space decomposition problem is formulated as a general Bayesian l...
Akshaya Kumar Mishra, Alexander Wong, David A. Cla...
Abstract. With the rapid development of fast data acquisition techniques, 3D scans that record the geometric and photometric information of deformable objects are routinely acquire...
A geometric framework for image scale space, enhancement, and segmentation is presented. We consider intensity images as surfaces in the (x I) space. The image is thereby a 2D surf...
Scale space is a natural way to handle multi-scale problems. Yang and Ma have considered the correspondence between scales, and proposed optical flow in the scale space. In this p...
In previous work, singular points (or top points) in the scale space representation of generic images have proven valuable for image matching. In this paper, we propose a construct...
Bram Platel, M. Fatih Demirci, Ali Shokoufandeh, L...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose an evolution equation for the active contours in scale spaces. This evolution equation is based on the Polyakov functional that has been first ...
Xavier Bresson, Pierre Vandergheynst, Jean-Philipp...
We face the question of how to produce a scale space of image intensities relative to a scale space of objects or other characteristic image regions filling up the image space, whe...
Stephen M. Pizer, Ja-Yeon Jeong, Robert E. Broadhu...
Abstract. In this note we study the local behavior of singularities occurring in scale space under Gaussian blurring. Based on ideas from singularity theory for vector fields this...
The geometry of “empty” scale space is investigated. By virtue of the proposed geometric axioms the generating PDE, the linear isotropic heat equation, can be presented in cova...