To date, many active learning techniques have been developed for acquiring labels when training data is limited. However, an important aspect of the problem has often been neglect...
Multiple data sources containing different types of features may be available for a given task. For instance, users’ profiles can be used to build recommendation systems. In a...
The focus of this paper is on how to select a small sample of examples for labeling that can help us to evaluate many different classification models unknown at the time of sampl...
Though Twitter acts as a realtime news source with people acting as sensors and sending event updates from all over the world, rumors spread via Twitter have been noted to cause c...
Given the ubiquity of time series data, the data mining community has spent significant time investigating the best time series similarity measure to use for various tasks and dom...
Qiang Zhu 0002, Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista, Thana...
Network-analysis literature is rich in node-centrality measures that quantify the centrality of a node as a function of the (shortest) paths of the network that go through it. Exi...
Outlier detection research is currently focusing on the development of new methods and on improving the computation time for these methods. Evaluation however is rather heuristic,...
Erich Schubert, Remigius Wojdanowski, Arthur Zimek...
Matrix factorization (MF) has been demonstrated to be one of the most competitive techniques for collaborative filtering. However, state-of-the-art MFs do not consider contextual...
To reveal information hiding in link space of bibliographical networks, link analysis has been studied from different perspectives in recent years. In this paper, we address a no...