: One of the main challenges in distributed software development is the elicitation and management of knowledge regarding system requirements. Due to spatial distribution of involv...
: In this paper we present the language Monaco, which is a DSL for programming event-based, reactive automation solutions. The main purpose of the language is to bring automation p...
Abstract: Multikern-Prozessoren stellen die Softwaretechnik vor die Herausforderung, leistungshungrige Anwendungen aller Art zu parallelisieren. Bereits heute bieten handels
: The design of engineering processes is dependent on the context they are designed for. This paper presents the results of an action research study that used design rationale to d...
: In this paper, we discuss one approach of automated test case generation from UML models and OCL expressions. We show how to use UML and OCL to support several coverage criteria....