Abstract. We introduce algebraic geometric techniques in secret sharing and in secure multi-party computation (MPC) in particular. The main result is a linear secret sharing scheme...
A secret sharing schemefor the prohibited structure is a method of sharing a master key among a finite set of participants in such a way that only certain pre-specified subsetsof ...
We present the design of a distributed store that offers various levels of security guarantees while tolerating a limited number of nodes that are compromised by an adversary. The...
Subramanian Lakshmanan, Mustaque Ahamad, H. Venkat...
We consider the problem of threshold secret sharing in groups with hierarchical structure. In such settings, the secret is shared among a group of participants that is partitioned ...
Weighted threshold secret sharing was introduced by Shamir in his seminal work on secret sharing. In such settings, there is a set of users where each user is assigned a positive w...
We propose Gate Evaluation Secret Sharing (GESS) – a new kind of secret sharing, designed for use in secure function evaluation (SFE) with minimal interaction. The resulting simp...
We describe a novel approach for building a secure and fault tolerant data storage service in collaborative work environments, which uses perfect secret sharing schemes to store d...
Secret sharing algorithms have been used for intrusion tolerance, which ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical information. However, dynamically changi...
In this work, we develop a secret sharing based compiler solution to achieve confidentiality, integrity and availability (intrusion tolerance) of critical data together, rather th...
Abstract. One of the main open problems in secret sharing is the characterization of the access structures of ideal secret sharing schemes. As a consequence of the results by Brick...