Abstract. Given the requirements of fast processing and the complexity of RF ranging systems, distance bounding protocols have been challenging to implement so far; only few design...
Aanjhan Ranganathan, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Boris S...
Abstract. Sponge functions were introduced by Bertoni et al. as an alternative to the classical MerkleDamg˚ard design. Many hash function submissions to the SHA-3 competition laun...
Secure computation enables mutually suspicious parties to compute a joint function of their private inputs while providing strong security guarantees. Amongst other things, even i...
SNP provides a high-level abstraction for secure end-toend network communications. It supports both stream and datagram semantics with security guarantees (e.g., data originauthen...
Thomas Y. C. Woo, Raghuram Bindignavle, Shaowen Su...
Data confidentiality is a major concern in database systems. Encryption is a useful tool for protecting the confidentiality of sensitive data. However, when data is encrypted, perf...
Most protocols for distributed, fault-tolerant computation, or multi-party computation (MPC), provide security guarantees in an all-or-nothing fashion: If the number of corrupted p...
We present the design and implementation of a compiler that, given high-level multiparty session descriptions, generates custom cryptographic protocols. Our sessions specify pre-a...
Growing levels of digitalization and broadband access drives extremely fast progress in multimedia and networking technologies and allows consumers to create requirements at an ac...