Abstract. Simulation-based Fault Injection in VHDL descriptions is increasingly common due to the popularity of top-down design flows exploiting this language. This paper presents ...
B. Parrotta, Maurizio Rebaudengo, Matteo Sonza Reo...
Fault tolerant systems based on the use of software design diversity may be able to achieve high levels of reliability more cost-effectively than other approaches, such as heroic ...
An expert trouble-shooter is a subject who has a great deal of experience in his activity that allows him or her to be very efficient. However, the large amount of problems he or s...
Many safety-related systems are built from generic software which is customised to work in a particular situation by static configuration data. Examples of such systems are railwa...
A. G. Faulkner, P. A. Bennett, R. H. Pierce, I. H....
This paper presents an empirical investigation of the control of requirements evolution in an avionics safety-critical system. Metrics can be used to manage (e.g., control and pred...
Increasingly, the dependability of vehicle based programmable systems is becoming a key feature in ensuring the safety of those in and around the vehicle. The goal of those respons...
Propagation-based call graph construction algorithms have been studied intensively in the 1990s, and differ primarily in the number of sets that are used to approximate run-time v...