iam Pugh. Advice to authors of extended abstracts. http://www.acm.org/sigplan/conferences/author-info/pughadvice.html. [7] Mary Shaw. Writing good software engineering research pap...
Ralph E. Johnson, Kent Beck, Grady Booch, William ...
A key mechanism of a persistent programming language is its ability to detect and handle references to non-resident objects. Ideally, this mechanism should be hidden from the prog...
Mary Ellen Zurko Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Digital Equipment Corporation Littleton, MA, 01460 This paper describes the User Attribu...
This paper gives a new definition of Security, which takes causal information into account. The new definition can be used to determine the security of nondeterministic concurrent...
Most security models explicitly (or implicitly) include the tranquillity principle which prohibits changing the security level of a given piece of information. Yet in practical sy...
The Transformation Model TRM was recently introduced 10 in the literature by Sandhu and Ganta. TRM is based on the concept of transformation of rights. The propagation of access ri...
This paper presents a calculus of channel security properties which allows to analyze and compare protocols for establishing secure in an insecure open network at a high level of a...
Abstract. An oblivious signature with n keys (or messages) is a signature that the recipient can choose one of n keys (or messages) to get signed while the signer cannot find out o...