
14 years 4 months ago
A software tool for optimal class-hierarchy design based on the use-relationship among functions and variables
We present a software tool for creating an optimal classhierarchy from the use-relationship among data-items and functions based on the method in Kundu and Gwee [3]. The tool dete...
Nigel Gwee, Sukhamay Kundu
14 years 4 months ago
BeLearning: Designing accessible web applications
Flexibility and adaptivity are two of the outstanding characteristics of new media and new technologies. These properties allow new methods to provide physically challenged people...
Helmut Vieritz, Sabina Jeschke
14 years 4 months ago
An extensive math query language
Math search is a new area of research with many enabling technologies but also many challenges. Some of the enabling technologies include XML, XPath, XQuery, and MathML. Some of t...
Abdou S. Youssef, Moody Ebrahem Altamimi
14 years 4 months ago
Case study: A tool centric approach for fault avoidance in microchip designs
— Achieving reliability in fault tolerant systems requires both avoidance and redundancy. This study focuses on avoidance as it pertains to the design of microchips. The lifecycl...
Clemente Izurieta
14 years 4 months ago
A framework for constraint checking involving aggregates for multiple XML databases using schematron
Many internet and enterprise applications now not only use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as a medium for communication but also for storing their data either temporarily for an...
Albin Laga, Praveen Madiraju
14 years 4 months ago
Self-organizing map based web pages clustering using web logs
A Web-based business always wants to have the ability to track users’ browsing behavior history. This ability can be achieved by using Web log mining technologies. In this paper...
Dehu Qi, Chung-Chih Li
14 years 4 months ago
Monitoring software technology evolution, one trend at a time
The ability to model the evolution of software technology trends is valuable to many stakeholders in industry, academia, and government. Yet we often depend exclusively on the opi...
Yanzhi Bai, Ali Mili
14 years 4 months ago
AVRATAR: A virtual environment for puppet animation
When it comes to three dimensional computer animations, the use of live actors to control the movements of onscreen characters produces a realism that is unsurpassed. But so are t...
Alexander Redei, Ed Tumbusch, Josh Koberstein, Ser...