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Abstract. Many graph problems seem to require knowledge that extends beyond the immediate neighbors of a node. The usual self-stabilizing model only allows for nodes to make decisi...
Wayne Goddard, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, David Pokras...
Many challenging tasks in sensor networks, including sensor calibration, ranking of nodes, monitoring, event region detection, collaborative filtering, collaborative signal proces...
Abstract. Ad-hoc networks do not provide an infrastructure for communication such as routers and are characterized by 1) quick changes of communication topology and 2) unstable sys...
: In this paper we rst present a general lower bound on the stabilization time which holds for a number of graph theoretic problems, including leader election, spanning tree constr...
A self-stabilizing algorithm, regardless of the initial system state, converges in finite time to a set of states that satisfy a legitimacy predicate without the need for explici...
Self-stabilization is an elegant way of realizing non-masking fault-tolerant systems. Sustained research over last decades has produced multiple self-stabilizing algorithms for man...
Abhishek Dhama, Oliver E. Theel, Pepijn Crouzen, H...