Abstract-- Maintaining large websites and verifying their semantic content is a difficult task. In this paper we propose a framework for syntactic validation, semantic verification...
This paper proposes two DSs to describe the visual information of an AV document. The first one, is devoted to still images. It describes the image visual appearance and its struc...
Philippe Salembier, Noel E. O'Connor, Paulo Correi...
This paper adopts the premise that the ‘semantic gap' is an incompletely surveyed feature in the landscape of visual image retrieval, and proposes a framework within which t...
Use of semantic content is one of the major issues which needs to be addressed for improving image retrieval effectiveness. We present a new approach to classify images based on t...
Abstract. An ongoing project is described which seeks to add to our understanding about the real challenge of semantic image retrieval. Consideration is given to the plurality of t...
Peter G. B. Enser, Christine J. Sandom, Paul H. Le...
A large number of previously recorded videos cannot be directly visualized on mobile devices like PDAs or mobile phones due to an inappropriate screen resolution of their displays...
Stephan Kopf, Fleming Lampi, Thomas King, Wolfgang...
In automatic video content analysis domain, the key challenges are how to recognize important objects and how to model the spatiotemporal relationships between them. In this paper...
Liang Bai, Songyang Lao, Gareth J. F. Jones, Alan ...
People increasingly share online information with the communities they belong to. This paper presents an empirical field study of four communities on how they interact with collec...