At the "functional level", Semantic Web Services (SWS) are described akin to planning operators, with preconditions and effects relative to an ontology; the ontology prov...
This paper explores the use of ARIS for Semantic Web Service development. It proposes an ARIS-based transformation methodology for the automatic specification and development of S...
Cheng Leong Ang, Yuan Gu, Olga Sourina, Robert Khe...
Abstract. Semantic Web Services (SWS) aim to alleviate Web service limitations, by combining Web service technologies with the potential of Semantic Web. Several open issues have t...
Stefania Galizia, Alessio Gugliotta, Carlos Pedrin...
ed Abstract an extended abstract of [11]. Service-oriented computing is emerging as a new paradigm based on autonomous, platform-independent computational entities, called services...
M. Birna van Riemsdijk, Rolf Hennicker, Martin Wir...
Semantic Web Services (SWS) are an important part of the Semantic Web, traditionally focused on discovery and composition of e-services. In the area of e-commerce services, it is ...
We present Shopper, a plan execution engine that facilitates experimental evaluation of plans and makes it easier for planning researchers to incorporate replanning. Shopper inter...
The Semantic Web services has become a challenging research topic in the last half of decade. Various frameworks offer means to semantically describe all the related aspects of Sem...
This paper presents Triple space computing and described the role it can play in bringing Semantic Web Services to the next level of maturity. In particular the shortcomings of cur...
Brahmananda Sapkota, Edward Kilgarriff, Christoph ...
Semantic Web is regarded as the next generation of the World Wide Web. It provides not only the structure of the web but also meaningful semantics for the information presented. T...
Yue Tang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun, Brendan P. Maho...
The SUPER project presents a novel approach to BPM by using Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services. Existing processes can be augmented with semantic annotations, so that formal re...
Marin Dimitrov, Alex Simov, Sebastian Stein, Mihai...