The primary goal of the Semantic Web is to use URIs as a universal space to name anything, expanding from using URIs for webpages to URIs for “real objects and imaginary concepts...
This proposal explores the promotion of existing relational databases to Semantic Web Endpoints. It presents the benefits of ontologybased read and write access to existing relati...
: Earth Observations (EO) collect various characteristics of the objective environment using sensors which often have different measuring, spatial and temporal coverage. Making ind...
Feng (Barry) Tao, Jon Campbell, Maureen Pagnani, G...
RDF is a data model for representing labeled directed graphs, and it is used as an important building block of semantic web. Due to its flexibility and applicability, RDF has bee...
Hyunsik Choi, Jihoon Son, YongHyun Cho, Min Kyoung...
The World Wide Web (WWW) has provided us with a plethora of information. However, given its unstructured format, this information is useful mainly to humans and cannot be effectiv...
Traditional reasoning tools for the Semantic Web cannot cope with Web scale data. One major direction to improve performance is parallelization. This article surveys existing studi...
Peiqiang Li, Yi Zeng, Spyros Kotoulas, Jacopo Urba...
In recent years, there is an increasing interest in the Semantic Web and the relevant technologies, which can have a significant impact in the context of information and knowledge...
Barbara Bazzanella, Themis Palpanas, Heiko Stoerme...
Up to now, developing software for the Semantic Web is much more complex than developing software for other data representation paradigms, such as relational databases. Softwa...
Semantic Business Process Management is a recent and promising research area devoted to extending the results from Semantic Web Services — i.e., the application of ontology-base...
In this paper, we present a new approach, called SATIS (Semantically AnnotaTed Intentions for Services), relying on semantic web technologies and models, to assist collaboration a...