Abstract. Recent work in the field of middleware technology proposes semantic spaces as a tool for coping with the scalability, heterogeneity and dynamism issues of large scale di...
Reto Krummenacher, Elena Paslaru Bontas Simperl, D...
The Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning method is conceived of as a useful method for Web service composition as well as classical task planning. However, there are no complet...
Despite the efforts devoted so far, the Semantic Web vision appears to be an eluding target. We propose a paradigm shift for the Semantic Web centred around the pragmatics of deve...
Recent research on model counting in CNF formulas has shown that a certain sampling method can yield results that are sound with a provably high probability. The key idea is to ite...
In this paper we take a view from the bottom to RDF(S) reasoning. We discuss some issues and requirements on reasoning towards effectively building Semantic Web Pipes, aggregating...
Christian Morbidoni, Axel Polleres, Giovanni Tumma...
Abstract. Semantic Web Services are emerging for their promise to produce a more accurate and precise Web Service discovery process. However, most of research approaches focus only...
Classical ontologies are not suitable to represent imprecise nor uncertain pieces of information. Fuzzy Description Logics were born to represent the former type of knowledge, but ...
This paper argues that a significant part of today’s Semantic Web research is still dominated by ideas from centralized databases. Furthermore, the main thread of reasoning rese...
Valentin Zacharias, Andreas Abecker, Denny Vrandec...
Abstract. The WSMO-MX matchmaker applies different matching filters to retrieve WSMO-oriented service descriptions that are semantically relevant to a given query with respect to...