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14 years 3 months ago
Intentional Control for Planetary Rover SRR
Intentional behavior is a basic property of intelligence and it incorporates the cyclic operation of prediction, testing by action, sensing, perceiving, and assimilating the exper...
Robert Kozma, Terry Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian,...
14 years 4 months ago
Sensory Modality Segregation
Why are sensory modalities segregated the way they are? In this paper we show that sensory modalities are well designed for self-supervised cross-modal learning. Using the Minimiz...
Virginia R. de Sa
14 years 4 months ago
Assessing the benefits of multimodal feedback on dual-task performance under demanding conditions
The last few years have seen the release of an increasing number of new IT-related devices into the marketplace that have started to utilize tactile feedback. These include those ...
Ju-Hwan Lee, Charles Spence