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In this paper we present a novel approach, called “Text to Pronunciation (TtP)”, for the proper normalization of Non-Standard Words (NSWs) in unrestricted texts. The methodolog...
Abstract. Single classifiers, such as Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees and other, can be used to perform classification of data for relatively simple proble...
George L. Tsirogiannis, Dimitrios S. Frossyniotis,...
In this paper the problem of music performer verification is introduced. Given a certain performance of a musical piece and a set of candidate pianists the task is to examine wheth...
In this paper we propose an automatic mechanism for annotating XML documents. This mechanism relies on a simple data model whose main features are: (1) a modeling of XML documents ...
We present novel intelligent tools for mining 3D medical images. We focus on detecting discriminative Regions of Interest (ROIs) and mining associations between their spatial distr...
Content based image retrieval is an active research area of pattern recognition. A new method of extracting global texture energy descriptors is proposed and it is combined with fe...
Abstract. This paper presents the capabilities offered by MultiAgent System technology in the operation of a Microgrid. A Microgrid is a new type of power system, which is formed b...
Collecting digital materials is time-consuming and can gain from automation. Since each source—and even each acquisition—may involve a separate negotiation of terms, a collecto...
Fillia Makedon, Song Ye, Sheng Zhang, James Ford, ...
This work explores the application of clustering methods for grouping structurally similar XML documents. Modeling the XML documents as rooted ordered labeled trees, we apply clust...
Theodore Dalamagas, Tao Cheng, Klaas-Jan Winkel, T...