: In the present paper we address the problem of computing the Minimal Additional Sensor Sets (MASS) that guarantee a desired level of diagnostic discrimination for a system. Recen...
This paper presents work on using hierarchical long term memory to reduce the memory requirements of nearest sequence memory (NSM) learning, a previously published, instance-based ...
Multi-agent planning is a core issue in the multi-agent systems field. In this work we focus on the coordination of multiple agents in a setting where agents are able to achieve in...
Yannis Dimopoulos, Muhammad Adnan Hashmi, Pavlos M...
The Prism family of algorithms induces modular classification rules which, in contrast to decision tree induction algorithms, do not necessarily fit together into a decision tree s...
A novel framework for mining temporal association rules by discovering itemsets with a genetic algorithm is introduced. Metaheuristics have been applied to association rule mining,...