We present two methods for lossy compression of normal vectors through quantization using "base" polyhedra. The first revisits subdivision-based quantization. The second...
While existing methods for 3D surface approximation use local geometric properties, we propose that more intuitive results can be obtained by considering global shape properties s...
The differential geometry of smooth three-dimensional surfaces can be interpreted from one of two perspectives: in terms of oriented frames located on the surface, or in terms of ...
Jingyi Yu, Xiaotian Yin, Xianfeng Gu, Leonard McMi...
Discrete Laplace operators are ubiquitous in applications spanning geometric modeling to simulation. For robustness and efficiency, many applications require discrete operators th...
We introduce an algorithm for reconstructing watertight surfaces from unoriented point sets. Using the Voronoi diagram of the input point set, we deduce a tensor field whose princ...
Pierre Alliez, David Cohen-Steiner, Yiying Tong, M...
A robust statistics approach to curvature estimation on discretely sampled surfaces, namely polygon meshes and point clouds, is presented. The method exhibits accuracy, stability ...
Evangelos Kalogerakis, Patricio D. Simari, Derek N...
We present a streaming algorithm for reconstructing closed surfaces from large non-uniform point sets based on a geometric convection technique. Assuming that the sample points ar...
Modeling tasks, such as surface deformation and editing, can be analyzed by observing the local behavior of the surface. We argue that defining a modeling operation by asking for ...
We propose a constraint-based method for the fairing of surface meshes. The main feature of our approach is that the resulting smoothed surface remains within a prescribed distanc...