In this paper, a method for morphological segmentation using shape information is presented. This method is based on a morphological operator named ultimate attribute opening (UAO)...
One of the main goals in Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is to incorporate shape into the process in a reliable manner. In order to overcome the difficulties of directly obta...
In this paper, we describe an algorithm to measure the shape complexity for discrete approximations of planar curves in 2D images and manifold surfaces for 3D triangle meshes. We ...
Andreas Koschan, Besma Roui-Abidi, David L. Page, ...
To segment a whole object from an image is an essential and challenging task in image processing. In this paper, we propose a hybrid segmentation algorithm which combines prior sh...
This paper presents a shape representation and a variational framework for the construction of diffeomorphisms that establish "meaningful" correspondences between images...
* The surface-matching problem is investigated in this paper using a mathematical tool called harmonic maps. The theory of harmonic maps studies the mapping between different metri...