We show that the Shortest Path Problem cannot be solved in o(log n) time on an unbounded fan-in PRAM without bit operations using poly(n) processors even when the bit-lengths of t...
Abstract. Many real world problems, e.g. personnel scheduling and transportation planning, can be modeled naturally as Constrained Shortest Path Problems (CSPPs), i.e., as Shortest...
Abstract. In this paper we present a cooperative game theoretic interpretation of the shortest path problem. We consider a buying agent who has a budget to go from a specified sou...
Abstract. Traditional shortest path problems play a central role in both the design and use of communication networks and have been studied extensively. In this work, we consider a...
Abstract. The multileaf collimator sequencing problem is an important component in effective cancer treatment delivery. The problem can be formulated as finding a decomposition of...
Hadrien Cambazard, Eoin O'Mahony, Barry O'Sullivan
We observe that the classical maximum flow problem in any directed planar graph G can be reformulated as a parametric shortest path problem in the oriented dual graph G . This ref...