Polynomial-time safe and unsafe approximations for intractable sets were introduced by Meyer and Paterson [Technical Report TM-126, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge,...
We build on the classical greedy sequential set cover algorithm, in the spirit of the primal-dual schema, to obtain simple parallel approximation algorithms for the set cover probl...
Hypercubic sorting networks are a class of comparator networks whose structure maps e ciently to the hypercube and any of its bounded degree variants. Recently, n-input hypercubic...
The inference of consensus from a set of evolutionary trees is a fundamental problem in a number of fields such as biology and historical linguistics, and many models for inferrin...
This paper describes new methods for maintaining a point-location data structure for a dynamically changing monotone subdivision S. The main approach is based on the maintenance of...
We describe a new randomized data structure, the sparse partition, for solving the dynamic closest-pair problem. Using this data structure the closest pair of a set of n points in ...
Mordecai J. Golin, Rajeev Raman, Christian Schwarz...
We initiate an investigation of general fault-tolerant distributed computation in the full-information model. In the full information model no restrictions are made on the computat...
This paper introduces the queue-read, queue-write (qrqw) parallel random access machine (pram) model, which permits concurrent reading and writing to shared memory locations, but ...
Phillip B. Gibbons, Yossi Matias, Vijaya Ramachand...