This paper describes an efficient scheme for the dynamic maintenance of the set of maxima of a 2-d set of points. Using the fact that the maxima can be stored in a staircase struct...
We consider the problem of designing a near-optimal linear decision tree to classify two given point sets B and W in n. A linear decision tree de nes a polyhedral subdivision of sp...
Michelangelo Grigni, Vincent Mirelli, Christos H. ...
We consider a system of uniform recurrence equations (URE) of dimension one. We show how its computation can be carried out using minimal memory size with several synchronous proc...
We modify the k-d tree on [0, 1]d by always cutting the longest edge instead of rotating through the coordinates. This modification makes the expected time behavior of lowerdimensi...
-fields are a very general class of difference fields that enable one to discover and prove multisum identities arising in combinatorics and special functions. In this article we f...
Jin-yi Cai, Richard J. Lipton, Yechezkel Zalcstein
Abstract. We consider two natural generalizations of the notion of transversal to a finite hypergraph, arising in data-mining and machine learning, the so called multiple and parti...
Endre Boros, Vladimir Gurvich, Leonid Khachiyan, K...