
85views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Finding a 2-Core of a Tree in Linear Time
Let T be an edge-weighted tree. A p-core of T is a set of p mutually disjoint paths in T that minimizes the sum of the distances of all vertices in T from any of the p paths, where...
Biing-Feng Wang
124views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Scheduling Unrelated Machines by Randomized Rounding
We present a new class of randomized approximation algorithms for unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems with the average weighted completion time objective. The key idea i...
Andreas S. Schulz, Martin Skutella
94views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
How to Be an Efficient Snoop, or the Probe Complexity of Quorum Systems
A quorum system is a collection of sets (quorums) every two of which intersect. Quorum systems have been used for many applications in the area of distributed systems, including mu...
David Peleg, Avishai Wool
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14 years 3 days ago
Testing Basic Boolean Formulae
Michal Parnas, Dana Ron, Alex Samorodnitsky
124views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Counting Claw-Free Cubic Graphs
Let Hn be the number of claw-free cubic graphs on 2n labeled nodes. Combinatorial reductions are used to derive a second order, linear homogeneous differential equation with polyno...
Edgar M. Palmer, Ronald C. Read, Robert W. Robinso...
75views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Partial Cubes and Crossing Graphs
Sandi Klavzar, Henry Martyn Mulder
84views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Multicovering Bounds from Relative Covering Radii
The multicovering radii of a code are recently introduced natural generalizations of the covering radius measuring the smallest radius of balls around codewords that cover all m-t...
Iiro S. Honkala, Andrew Klapper
52views more  SIAMDM 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Testing k-colorability
Let G be a graph on n vertices and suppose that at least n2 edges have to be deleted from it to make it k-colorable. It is shown that in this case most induced subgraphs of G on c...
Noga Alon, Michael Krivelevich