Ensembles of regular low-density parity-check codes over any finite Abelian group G are studied. The nonzero entries of the parity matrix are randomly chosen, independently and uni...
A set of pairwise edge-disjoint triangles of an edge-colored Kn is r-color avoiding if it does not contain r monochromatic triangles, each having a different color. Let fr(n) be th...
In this short note we prove that there is a constant c such that every k-edge-coloring of the complete graph Kn with n 2ck contains a K4 whose edges receive at most two colors. Th...
Let C be a code of length n over an alphabet of size q. A word d is a descendant of a pair of codewords x, y C if di {xi, yi} for 1 i n. A code C is an identifiable parent prop...
For a real c 1 and an integer n, let f(n, c) denote the maximum integer f such that every graph on n vertices contains an induced subgraph on at least f vertices in which the max...
We establish new lower and upper bounds for the real number graph labelling problem. As an application, we completely determine the optimum spans of L(p, q)-labellings of the infin...
A graph G is strict quasi parity (SQP) if every induced subgraph of G that is not a clique contains a pair of vertices with no odd chordless path between them (an even pair). Houga...